Chip giant Qualcomm is gearing up to unveil its all-new Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 chipset at the end of October. However, preliminary tests by handset manufacturers suggest impressive performance. A prototype equipped with the chipset was recently submitted to Geekbench, revealing a remarkable multicore score of 5,977, outperforming the current second-generation Snapdragon chipset by 20%.

The mystery smartphone:

The phone with the model number NX769J is presumed to be the ZTE Nubia Red Magic 9, which is expected to be equipped with 12GB of RAM and will come with Android 14 pre-installed. The motherboard listed as “pineapple” is the same as that of the Samsung Galaxy S24 also spotted on Geekbench. However, the results differ due to the different versions of the benchmarking platform used.

State-of-the-art architecture:

Qualcomm plans to introduce a new architecture for its high-end chipset. The processor will be composed of 1x Cortex-X4 + 5x Cortex-A720 + 2x Cortex-A520, offering increased computing power. In addition, the GPU, dubbed the Adreno 750, will feature 10 MB of L3 cache, a 20% increase over the current version. This combination promises unrivalled performance and an immersive user experience.

Presentation to follow:

Full details of the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3’s features and specifications will be officially revealed on October 24 at the Snapdragon Summit. This announcement brings forward the usual date of this eagerly-awaited event by one month. Technology enthusiasts can expect significant advances in performance, connectivity and graphics processing, positioning this chipset as a major player in the high-end smartphone market.

Qualcomm is set to shake up the chipset sector with the imminent launch of the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3. Promising results from preliminary tests point to outstanding performance, while the cutting-edge architecture and impressive specifications promise a smooth, immersive user experience. Stay tuned to discover all the features and innovations this new chipset will offer when it is officially unveiled on October 24.

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