When you become an Amazon Affiliate Partner or a seller on this marketplace, you must comply with the policies and terms of use associated with your account. And even if you think you follow them and respect them, unfortunately it often happens that an Amazon professional account is blocked for one reason or another. In this guide to restoring a blocked or suspended Amazon account, we will present to you the different reasons why your Amazon account can suddenly find itself deactivated, as well as some tips on how to avoid being blocked and how to reactivate your account.

Reasons why your Amazon Partner or Seller account may be suspended or blocked

Case of the Disabled Amazon Partner account

The following reasons may cause your Amazon Partner account to be suspended or blocked.

  1. Sharing affiliate links on social networks (Live conversation, stories, comments, groups, etc.)
  2. Emails containing Amazon affiliate links 
  3. Buy it yourself using your own affiliate links 
  4. Paid advertisements
  5. Encourage those close to you to use your links in exchange for compensation
  6. Affiliate links in pdf or e-book
  7. Use another link redirection system other than Amazon’s to build traffic 
  8. Do not specify that your link is an Amazon affiliate link 

Not practicing the above methods will prevent you from ending up with a blocked Amazon Affiliate Partner account. It is therefore important to have good practices to avoid as much as possible the inconvenience caused by the blocking or deactivation of an Amazon Partner Account.

Case of suspended Amazon Seller account

If your seller account on Amazon suddenly finds itself blocked, it is certainly for one of the following reasons:

  1. The products you offer do not meet Amazon standards
  2. You do not deliver your products on time
  3. Amazon suspects your account of non-compliant activities
  4. Your after-sales service is not responsive, responds only very late or not at all to customers  
  5. Customers who complain about packages damaged on delivery
  6. Inaccurate or misleading product sheets
  7. No certificates of conformity for your products…

Case of suspended Amazon Buyer account

The reasons why an Amazon Buyer account may be suspended are various, but the majority of the reasons are:

  1. When you systematically return ordered products, even if they are not damaged
  2. Payment fraud: This particularly refers to the use of stolen credit cards or fraudulent payment methods.
  3.  Excessive negativity in your comments, especially if they are unfounded, concerns both the products and the sellers
  4.  Purchasing counterfeit products or products that violate intellectual property rights
  5. Regular use of affiliate links from the same Amazon partner: The marketplace may conclude that you are making purchases through these affiliate links in exchange for compensation.

How to Unblock a Suspended Amazon Account

If your Amazon account is blocked, there are several methods you can follow to unblock it:

  1. Check your email address and password: Make sure you are using the correct login information. If you have forgotten your password, you can use the “Forgotten Password” option on the login page to reset your password.
  2. Amazon may block your account due to suspicious or unauthorized activity. If so, contact Amazon customer service for assistance.
  3. Make sure your payment information is correct: Sometimes an Amazon account may be blocked due to issues with payment information. Check your credit or debit card details are up to date and correct.
  4. Make sure you follow Amazon’s terms of service. If you have violated any of their policies, your account could be blocked. In this case, contact customer service for explanation and instructions on how to resolve the problem.

Generally, when an Amazon account is suspended or deactivated, the account owner receives an email informing them of the situation, this email also often contains the potential reasons for deactivating the account. You must therefore:

  • Read the email received carefully and follow the instructions which will allow you to send Amazon the information necessary to restore your Amazon account
  • It may be easy to find out why you are being blocked, so act quickly and comply with Amazon’s usage, privacy, and compliance policies. This involves removing counterfeit products, updating your information or product sheet, as well as your payment information.
  • Make a complaint: The complaint you must make must contain detailed information about the steps you have taken to resolve the problem contained in the suspension email.

It is important to note that Amazon Partner, Seller or even buyer account recovery is not guaranteed, it will depend on each individual’s specific circumstances. But if you try the methods presented above, you increase your chances of reactivating your Amazon account.

NB: the process of recovering a blocked or suspended Amazon account is not an instant operation, it can often take a very long time, so be patient and provide the necessary information to Amazon to restore your account.

By the way :

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