If you encounter the error “System Error 5 Access Denied” on your Windows computer, this means that you do not have the necessary administrator rights to run a command in the command prompt or PowerShell. Here are some steps you can take to resolve this problem:

Run the command prompt or PowerShell as administrator:

Start by pressing the Windows key to access the Start menu. Then type “Command Prompt” in the search bar. Right-click on the command prompt or PowerShell icon and select “Run as administrator”.

Check that your user account has administrator rights:

 Go to your user account settings and check that you have administrator rights.

  1. Click on the Start button and open the Control Panel.
  2. Click on “User Accounts” or “User Accounts and Protection” depending on your version of Windows.
  3. Click on “User accounts” or “Manage another account”.
  4. Check the account type: If the account is an administrator account, this will be indicated below the account name.
  5. If the account is not an administrator account, you can click on “Change account type” and select “Administrator”.

Temporarily disable your antivirus software:

Sometimes, your antivirus software may block access to certain commands. Try temporarily disabling your antivirus and see if this solves the problem. To do this

  • Locate the antivirus program icon in the system tray (usually in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen).
  • Right-click on the icon to open the context menu.
  • Look for an option such as “Disable”, “Suspend protection” or “Disable”.
  • Choose the appropriate option to temporarily disable the antivirus.
  • Now try running the commands again to see if the error persists

Modify UAC settings :

UAC (User Account Control) settings can also block access to certain commands. Try changing them temporarily and see if this solves the problem.

  1. Open the Control Panel: Click on the Start button, type “Control Panel” and select it from the search results.
  2. Access UAC settings: In the Control Panel, select “System and Security”, then “Modify user account control settings”.
  3. Modify UAC settings: You can modify UAC settings by moving the slider up or down to increase or decrease the level of control. In our case, drag the UAC slider to the “Never notify” position.
  4. Save changes : Once you’ve modified the UAC settings, click “OK” to save the changes.

Run the program in compatibility mode:

If you encounter the error on a specific program, try running it in compatibility mode for an earlier version of Windows.

  1. Right-click on the program you wish to run.
  2. Select “Solve compatibility problems” from the context menu.
  3. In the “Select troubleshooting option” window, click on “Try recommended settings”.
  4. Click on “Start program” and then on “Next”.
  5. Select “Run programs designed for earlier versions of Windows”.
  6. Follow the instructions of the “Troubleshooting program compatibility” Wizard.

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the System Error 5 Access Denied error on your Windows computer.

See also:

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