OnePlus announced the Ace 2 smartphone in China, and then it was rebadged in some overseas markets as the OnePlus 11R. The initial phone is powered by a Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 chipset, but reports of a new version with the Dimensity 9000 SoC have been rolling out for three weeks.

Reference platform AnTuTu has revealed that a OnePlus PHP110 device has gone through its testing process, and it is indeed the OnePlus Ace 2 Dimensity Edition. The result of the reference was just over a million, which is not surprising for this Mediatek chipset.

Résultats Benchmarks AnTuTu OnePlus Ace 2 Dimensity 9000
OnePlus Ace

It could be that the new Dimensity Edition phone brings a new design. The difference would be seen more on the back of the phone compared to the base model. Speaking of modifications, we could see a 64MP OmniVision sensor in exchange for the 50MP camera.

Another possible change, the charging speed could be lowered to 80W, despite the fact that Xiaomi, vivo and Honor all have a smartphone with 100W charging and a Dimensity 9000 chip.

The rest of the specs, like a 6.74x AMOLED with 1240p resolution and a 16MP selfie camera, could remain the same. At the moment none of the information has been appreciated by the company, so we are still in the state of rumors, much of this information could be good or false – we will inform you of the official confirmation of OnePlus.

Via : Myfixguide

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