The very large number of weapons found in Destiny 2 makes the game more entertaining, but which are the best ones that will allow you to enjoy the game to the fullest and above all to win?

First of all, it should be noted that the best weapon depends on the context, which is why we have categorized these weapons. Fusion Rifles, Rocket Launchers, Auto Rifles, SMGs, and Hand Cannons are among the best of all categories.

Also, remember that to increase their effectiveness, you can perform a combination of these weapons.

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Destiny 2: The Best Main Weapons

We are talking here about weapons that can be used everywhere and that always have their place in the player’s arsenal.

Chroma Rush

It is simply one of the favorite weapons of the players. It’s an automatic rifle that does the job when it comes to clearing you of certain obstacles. When paired with Kill Chip, Rampage, Wellspring, or Adrenaline Junkie, you become fearsome to your enemies. It can be crafted from the Umbral Decoder in the HELM. You can also get it from Season of the Splicer.


Eyasluna is a hand cannon that many also enjoy. It’s making its return to the game. Hand cannons are Destiny’s go-to weapon. You can get Eyasluna through the Dungeon Grasp of Avarice.

Vault of Glass Hand Cannon Fatebringer is also great cannon.


Here’s another one of Destiny’s excellent weapons. If you want to make a difference in this game, you absolutely need this weapon. This is your best bet for close combat.

This weapon is in the energy slot, where you can see several other good quality weapons. You have to try it and you will see the difference. You can get this weapon from the Random World Drop.

Servant Leader

These are fast firing pistols and are very useful if you need a primary weapon to hit distant targets. It is a very accurate weapon that allows you to take down targets while remaining safe.

You’ll find it in Gambit’s Chute.

Destiny 2: The Best Special Weapons

Cartesian Coordinate

Cartesian Coordinate is a king of Fusion Rifles. It’s pretty darn good at picking off big enemies. It can even damage bosses. This is the weapon to use if you are out of heavy ammo.

Remember all the same that to get the most out of this weapon, you will need Vorpal Weapon. This will make it more useful against Bosses and especially against Champions.

Craft the gun using the Season of the Splicer designations on your Umbral Engrams in the HELM.

You can get Cartesian Coordinate in World Drop but also craftable in the Umbral Decoder for Season of the Splicer

Null Composure

It is also an excellent fusion rifle. It’s not as good as Cartesian Coordinate, but it’s much easier to get.

Thanks to his Reservoir Burst, he can create explosions during massacres, to crush as many enemies as possible. You can get it by completing the Sacred Fusion questline.

Destiny 2: The Best Heavy Weapons

Sleeper Simulator

At the moment, Sleeper Simulant is the best gun in the game. It is very effective in creating damage on bosses and champions. He can kill just about anything. When paired with Particle Deconstruction, you do 40% more damage. It is an absolute monster that you will appreciate in the difficult stages.

You can get it from the Moments to Lost Lights Kiosk in the tower.

Gjallarhorn + Legendary Rocket Launcher

This is a solid option for those who no longer want to rely on particle deconstruction.

Gjallarhorn is a top option that does serious damage. It won’t take long for this weapon to become the best again once players rediscover its potential.

To get it, complete the And Out Fly the Wolves quest.

Reed’s Regret + Threaded Needle

Both of these linear fusion rifles take advantage of particle deconstruction. They can do similar or greater damage than Sleeper Simulant. Pair them with Witherhoard to deal more damage to a boss.

But unlike Sleeper Simulant, they are so much harder to use. Test them and you will realize it right away.

Treaded Needle is from Umbral Decoder or playing Season of the Chosen content. Reeds Regret comes from Trials of Osiris.

Whisper of the Worm

This weapon is less efficient than Sleeper, and it’s even harder to use, but it will make you look very cool.

Whisper of the Worm offers huge reserves that will be very useful in long fights and will do massive damage.

You can get it at the Moments to Lost Lights kiosk in the tower.

Destiny 2 PvE: Worst weapon types?

Sniper rifles with few exceptions are some of the worst. Not only are they difficult to use, but the damage they cause is not extensive.

Then come the shotguns. The Double Slug Shotgun that was very effective against Taniks in the Deep Stone Crypt is no longer what it used to be.

Finally, machine guns are struggling to find a place in the arsenal of the best players. The reason is that submachine guns are heavy, have large reserves of ammunition but are difficult to handle and curiously they do not cause enough damage on the opponent.

It should be remembered that in Destiny 2, one of the best tricks to win is to do maximum damage as quickly as possible.

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