Motorola is set to launch a series of new smartphones in India and the rest of the world. Recently, the Moto G54 5G smartphone was spotted in the FCC list, suggesting that its launch is imminent. Both the Moto G84 5G and the Motorola Edge 40 Neo have recently achieved TDRA certification. An exclusive reported by The Tech Outlook reveals the specifications, colours and even a 360-degree video of the upcoming Moto G54 5G smartphone. Well-known tipster Mukul Sharma has spotted the Moto G54 5G in both TDRA and BIS certifications. Meanwhile, popular tipster Evan Bliss (aka Evleaks) has shared renders of the Moto G54 5G.

Moto G54 5G renderings and specifications

These renders give us a glimpse of the various design and colour options of this upcoming Moto smartphone. The Moto G54 5G, with model number XT-2343-1, has also been spotted on the FCC website, revealing some key specifications.

The renders shared by Evan Bliss reveal that Motorola plans to launch the Moto G54 5G in three different colour options. The smartphone can be seen to feature a rectangular cut-out for the rear cameras, similar to other smartphones in the Moto G series. Motorola has equipped the Moto G54 5G with two rear cameras and an integrated LED flash. The branding on the camera cut-out confirms that the device will feature a 50MP main sensor.

The renders also confirm that the main sensor will feature optical image stabilisation (OIS) and quad-pixel technology. The Motorola logo can be seen in the centre of the rear panel of the future smartphone. The Moto G54 5G will be available in black, blue and green. However, it is possible that these colours will be marketed under different names.

The upcoming G54 5G smartphone will feature a centred cut-out to accommodate the selfie camera. The device will have thin borders at the top and sides, offering a more immersive screen. Other technical specifications for the Moto G54 5G have yet to be revealed, but we can expect high performance and fast 5G connectivity.

Motorola has yet to announce a specific date for the launch of the Moto G54 5G, but with all this information and certifications obtained, it’s likely that the launch will happen in the near future. Stay tuned for more details on this powerful 5G smartphone from Motorola.

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