You have a misunderstanding with someone and the latter has blocked you on Whatsapp, this is a tip that will permits you to unblock yourself without having to count on a third party or another application. You just have to follow the steps below in order to get out of […]
How to hack wifi easily on Windows
In this article we shall be looking at how to easily access wifi not found on Windows with the help of WindPCap, JumStart and Dumpper. You will need the following softwares to easily hack a wifi network. A computer that can connect to the internet: your laptop or desktop network […]
How to find a lost iPhone even when it is turn off
The advent of iOS 15 brings a wide range of feautures to iPhones, now an iPhone running the iOS 15 system can be found even if it is turn off, in other words even this iPhone battery is exhausted. In addition to the ten hidden tips of iOS 15 that […]
What to do in case your AirPods were stolen or misplaced
Air Pods are an extraordinary technology and till date is matchless, reason why they are expensive. As wireless earphones, they perfectly integrate with all Apple products. But then, what do you do when your AirPods go missing or worse of all get stolen? So, if the thief has an iPhone, […]